Easily Install NixOS with nixos-anywhere

If you enjoy NixOS as much as I do, you're probably starting to amass quite a large and complex config. Perhaps you have started to use secret management tools like agenix or sops-nix, and maybe you even have your root directory living in a tmpfs.

If you fall under this category, you've surely came to a realisation: adding a new machine to your config is a pain in the ass.

Fortunately for you, I've been there - and boy, do I have a great solution. Want to install your complex config, or onboard a new host, in as little as two steps, all remotely (or as remotely as you can get)? Read on.


The nixos installation media is awesome! It provides a simple nixos instance from which you can install the operating system, but what if I told you it could be better? We can make our own version of the nixos-installation image, which includes the public keys of the machines in our config - allowing you to boot up the installation media, and then ssh into the host and perform the rest of the installation remotely.

The config for the image is a simple 5 lines:

  system.activatable = false;
  networking.hostName = "nixos-install";
  users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ <PUBLIC KEYS OF THE REMOTE HOST GO HERE> ];

Assuming you are using flakes, you will also need to add the following to your flake.nix:

 inputs = {
  nixos-generators = {
    url = "github:nix-community/nixos-generators";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixos-generators, ... }: {
  packages.x86_64-linux.installationMedia = mkImage "install-iso" [ <PATH TO YOUR CONFIG CREATED ABOVE`> ];

To build this image into an .iso file, simply run


From here, you can flash the iso onto an installation medium, such as a usb stick.

Installation Steps

  1. Boot nixos through the installation medium holding the image we created in the setup
  2. if the machine is not connected to your network via a wired connection, connect the machine to the network wirelessly
  3. Fetch the IP address of the machine that we will be installing NixOS onto. This can be done either by running ip addr and noting the IP address for the network interface that is connected to your network (likely wlp1s0 or eth0 if connected wirelessly or wired respectively), or by checking the IP address given to nixos-install
  4. Now, to remotely install nixos on the new machine, simply run: